JudicialPedia was founded to create a new view of the judiciary and give us the big data we need to hold the judiciary accountable from the plaintiff and or defendants’ side of what happened in the courtroom.
JudicialPedia gives a voice to those denied Justice in the Courts.
JudcialPedia is excited to announce the inclusion of several countries in North America, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Oceania to add cases.
This is your opportunity to tell your story of what took place in the courtroom while sharing your case. This is your opportunity to “Stand Up” and “Speak Out” about what happened to you. We are working on adding the resources you need to protect your rights in the courts. To ensure that our Judges deal with each case without bias, and or prejudices, but fairly as required by law, the United States Constitution, the Judicial Canons, their Oath of Office, and the Professional Code of Ethics as most Judges are also licensed lawyers.
Never Forget that the United States Constitution is the Supreme Law. Know the 5th & 14th Amendments have to do with your right to Due Process: nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. As Americans, we should never FEAR walking into a courtroom.
When you do not have Due Process in court – Have your voice heard, add your Judicial Case and/or your BAR or Judge Complaint to JudicialPedia.com then share with your friends and others